Genetic counseling in European universities:

The case of neurodegenerative diseases

What is the GECONEU project?

The GECONEU is the acronym of the project “Genetic counseling in European universities: The case of neurodegenerative diseases” which aim to develop an online Course for University students focusing on Genetic Counseling. The main goals and central impact of this project is to support people and society to better understand the aims of genetic testing and the usefulness of genetic counseling by involving students in an innovative learning and teaching setting. This project will provide the opportunity to take all the factors of an appropriate training course to society into account by involving the families of people with Neurodegenerative disorders in the development of the learning and teaching outcomes consequently improving their visibility and enhancing their level of knowledge.

Current & Upcoming Exhibitions

This project is co-funded by Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union under grant agreement
No. 2021-1-EL01-KA220-HED-000032173.

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